Friday, December 11, 2009

Why is a second bee sting more dangerous than the first for a person who is allergic to bee stings?

If someone is allergic to bee stings and has never been stung before, then they really are not allergic yet. They need to be exposed to the allergen first.

The first sting ';sensitizes'; their body towards beestings. The second sting can cause a full-blown allergic reaction.

You can still have an allergic reaction from the first sting... however it would be a far less serious reaction than the second sting.Why is a second bee sting more dangerous than the first for a person who is allergic to bee stings?
An allergic reaction is the body fighting itself. It is an over-reaction to a stimulus that is percieved as being harmful to the body.

Just like your body builds up antibodies to improve your immunity to a disease after you have had it, your body marshalls more resources against this percieved threat.

We recruit more little soldiers into our little internal war.Why is a second bee sting more dangerous than the first for a person who is allergic to bee stings?
With any allergic reaction, your body has to have been introduced to the allergin.
THe reason why the second is more dangerous is the same why the third is more then the second. Each sting has the same amount venom or poison. But when you get stung twice you have doubled the dose. Same when ya get a thrid the dose has now been tripled. Each time you are stung more poison or venom is entering your body.
because an allergy is a reaction to chemicals that the body should not have, since it treats it as something it is not. on the first bee sting, your body does not react to it very hard, since it does not recognise it, but on the second one, your body will have a much more powerfull reaction, since it already has experience of what it is like, and the reaction will be much faster, causing much more swelling, etc.

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