I STRONGLY suggest you contact your local Animal Control Department in your city.
They probably can remove if safely for you, or get
you in touch with people that can do it correctly.
Bee serve a useful purpose pollening flowers and plants, etc.
If you live in the border along the USA/Mexican border, you
might have a nest of killer bees. DON'T DO it yourself.Any suggestions on how to remove a bee's nest in the ground?
pour gasoline into itAny suggestions on how to remove a bee's nest in the ground?
call professional pest control. my dad ran over a underground nest while mowing the lawn. his lips and eyes were swolen for a week from the hive attacking him.
welll maybe you could put a box over it and then cut a little hole on top and spray in bee killer.. do this a couple times and wait so you are sure they are all gone.. then i would get a shovel and dig it out and throw it away
pour hot grease into it
Wait until dark when all bees are in the nest. Pour a 12 oz bottle of gasoline into the hole. Light the gas.
The resulting pressure shock wave will kill all the bees.
Get a professional bee-keeper. Safer.
wait till middle of night, get a bottle of diasinnal, and pour it in the hole to the nest. also you can pour boric acid into it. get the boric at the dollor store. i use both, the diasinnal is harmful to you as well, make sure you are wearing rubber gloves when you pour it in to hole. get diasinnal at a good plant store. good luck,and becarefull.
You'll need smoke to remove the bee's.... then you will need to either destroy the nest, or call someone to do it... They may get very dangerous...
Be careful !!!
Spray some Raid into it..
If they're in the ground they are likely yellow jackets and they are very aggressive. They will pour out of there faster than you can do a thing. Call someone to do it for you.
Put a black plastic bag on top of it and weight it down, let the sun cook them. Do this as quick as possible and go inside to protect yourself. If you try this be sure to wear protective clothing when you do and please note that they may come after you, I had them chase me down the block when I disturbed their nest by hammering on a remodel job. They may relocate somewhere else, but try and do this at sun set when they generally return to the hive.
check this site:
wait till dusk casue that is when they are all in there then take a can of spray and spray it.... or you could just wait till dusk and flood it just put the hose a lil in it and turn on the water but wait till dusk!!
If it is in the ground, it may not be bees, but rather hornets. My daughter was very badly stung --- 101 stings that we counted, when she ran over the nest with a lawn mower. She is not allergic but that amount of stings caused her tremendous pain and discomfort for days. Call a professional.
jump up and down on it.
Now that you have all of the things not to to, especially the gasoline trick, which I strongly advise against, here is what you can do. One, these are probably, as someone above mentioned, yellow jackets, not bees. Two, yellow jackets are wasps and they can sting you repeatedly, so you need to be careful.
Go to your home center or hardware store and get some wasp killer, in an aerosol can. At night, and only at night when it is completely dark, spray the can into the hole, soaking it. Watch for activity the next day and you might have to repeat this procedure if there are still some wasps present, but this will usually do the trick.
Try spraying with bug spray or else get a shovel, dig it up and relocate to a different place thats not in your yard.
Jump on it then run around the block in a big circle, back to the nest then wreck it. Then run for dear life..........or pour cement on it.
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