Saturday, December 5, 2009

Developing an allergy to bee stings....the last three stings I've gotten have made me swell up and that was?

never an issue and now it seems I have a skin allergy to squash and pumpkin. What makes allergies come on in adulthood? I've had other allergies since toddlerhood but these are new....Developing an allergy to bee stings....the last three stings I've gotten have made me swell up and that was?
You are now allergic to bees. You can get new allergies any time in life. Be careful you don't go into anaphalactic shock ( throat closes up).Developing an allergy to bee stings....the last three stings I've gotten have made me swell up and that was?
If you weren't exposed to alot of things when you were a child, that contain bacteria, or any type of living organisms that could be one reason why you are finding new allergies. The more you are exposed to diffrent things as a child, the less allergies you have.
allergies come when u sometimes least expect them to just like when i found out about me being allergic to bees to.

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