Saturday, December 5, 2009

What do I do if I think my dog was stung by a bee in the brass on her paw?

she is a malteseWhat do I do if I think my dog was stung by a bee in the brass on her paw?
Give her a baby aspirin or 1/2 reg aspirin for the pain. Place ice in a wash cloth, place in a baggie, put her paw on it. Then talk quietly and soothingly to her

Spoil the heck out of your little darling... After all she is a

Maltese... the dogs that give angel kisses

SEWWhat do I do if I think my dog was stung by a bee in the brass on her paw?
Take your dog to a vet... it's as simple as that!!! :)
Nothing, really. It will be sore for a while, but there is not much you can do except leave it alone.
just make sure her paw has not swollen up or she is having problems breathing ..if she has these systoms then take her to the vet as dogs can have allergic reactions to stings too

other wise she should be ok a bit sore but ok
First I would check to see if the stinger is still in there, if so, remove it with a credit card by scraping.

Second I would put toothpaste on the site, i am serious. It acts like a drawing save and pulls out the toxins a little. It will also encourage her to lick it which will promote healing.

Third, keep an eye on her in case she has a reaction. Most dogs do not, but it is always a possibility.

I wouldn't worry too much, i am sure she will be fine. Just pet her and reassure her.
I would give your doggie Benadryl. Liquid works the best 1/4 tsp. This will make the doggie tired, and they will forget about the pain. A cold pack on the area too while he is resting and plenty of love.
Give her some Benadryl. It works for animals also
check to see if you can see a stinger in her paw if so pullit out you can alsoa pply triple antiabotic ointment on the wound keep an eye on her to make sure she is not allergic to bee stings and good luck
I'd get the dog to a vet. Dogs, just like people can have bad reactions to insect stings.

Good luck.
you can mash up an asprin with some water an apply it to the area but make sure the dog doesnt lick it off.

it helps with pain if there is any
just if she is acting weird i would take her to the vet
  • dvr
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