Saturday, December 5, 2009

Any advice on how to get rid of the bee's that bore into wood, any home remedies?

call the exterminatorAny advice on how to get rid of the bee's that bore into wood, any home remedies?
I have heard of several remedies. One is to paint the area they like. another is to saturate the area with a spray bottle filled with half and half ammonia/water. Good luck.Any advice on how to get rid of the bee's that bore into wood, any home remedies?
Regular honeybees do not generally bore into wood or burrow into the ground but yellow jackets do. You can see the difference easily. Yellow jackets are not at all fuzzy and have clearly delineated yellow and dark-brown stripes on their tails. In the ground I have poured motor oil into the hole and this seemed to work.

Regular honeybees do use holes that are already in trees. They make their honeycombs inside.Without knowing if you are talking of a tree or in a home I don't know how to answer. Depending on the damage to a tree, you may need it cut down. Smoke will put bees in a sleep state but this is only temporary. If they are in your house in significant amounts I would suggest an exterminator as bee stings can actually kill you if you get too many, allergic or not.
I have tried painting the whole. I have tried wood putty. I have tried using wasp and bee spray to keep them out. But to be honest nothing works for me. The best things is wood putty, because it works for a while. It is something about the smell of that stuff and the hole being filled up. They do come back to the hole, but they don't stay because of the smell.
You can't get rid of them you have to call some one to do if for you.
Yeah buy some bee spray.
  • dvr
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