He's just lunching on your house or building an addition to his domicileI saw this carpenter bee go into one of the crossbeams of my deck a few days ago and then yesterday?
I checked Wikipedia, and thinking that your crossbeams are made out of wood, maybe the carpenter bee made a nest on one of the beams, becuase it says on Wikipedia that they make nests in wood, bamboo and ect.
Chewing out a nest tunnel. You should be able to see one or more holes in the wooden surfaces where the Carpenter bees hang out. There's a good reason they're named that.
Plotting an invasion from your deck.
he's counting
go hide!
Well, I hope you're not paying him by the hour because sounds like he's having lunch on your dime!
building a nest or looking to build.
start spraying
or else pretty soon you'll have a whole city there.....
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