Because it motivates people to learn how to spell. People love the competition.Why is the spelling bee so important in the US?
Have you ckd the spelling and english from the morons on this site?Why is the spelling bee so important in the US?
Because we have the least phonetically friendly words on the planet.
Ghoti can spell fish
enouGH wOmen naTIon
George Bernard Shaw.
The French do dictees cause that works better for French with all the little modifiers and punctuation and agreement.
Because English is so hard to learn and with texting and IMing taking the place of correct spellings. people are forgetting how to spell correctly. Our kids are learning to spell at school and learning to cheat by texting.
not important to me
it gets on TV and is covered by the media - which makes it look important.
It's actual importance is that people ( including kids) will do things to win a competition that they probably wouldn't do normally. So they learn how to spell.
for the same reasons football, baseball, the army, science, technology, and education are:
WE ARE AMERICANS:) We take pride in our education opportunities, so we hold special events to commend those who are good at learning (spelling).
idk... I think it's dumb. So what if people can spell big words just means they know how to spell.
Because of the competition... The US is notorious in competition.. SHowing off their finest who can spell..I use to be a good speller but thankfully I got spell check here to help me out. Never was in a national bee but at school I held my own. I dont like it. Puts too much pressure on the child. That is wrong with our country too much pressure and undue stress not only bee's but sports and everything. Sorry being to long winded and NO i wasnt on the debate team either.LOL
it's not...? what are you talking about?
there r a lot of smart kids out there. dont they deserve a little glory rather than just stupid sports people like nfl players, and mlb players. or even high school sports stars. dont smart kids get a chance to excel at something and get noticed for it
It really isn't, there's only a tiny percentage of people that participate in spelling bees.
it allows kids to use his/her brain and to showcase their knowledge..its not as important as it is least to the parents..
If spelling bees were the bee's knees, how come so many people in the US can't spell and wouldn't know a homonym if it bit them in the butt?
its important to show on national tv to get the point accross that you should not home school
I think it might be because the English language is not phonetic and an amalgamation from many others, thus spelling it is not easy.
to show off
Nah, ask G.W. Bush.
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