Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'm in the spelling bee and can't memorize the words. What go I do?

I don't have much time left.I'm in the spelling bee and can't memorize the words. What go I do?
Don't expect anyone to come up with some magical solution. It takes time and practice and memorization to remember a bunch of words. Good luck.I'm in the spelling bee and can't memorize the words. What go I do?
I'm a horrible speller so I probably shouldn't even be answering this question lol, BUT I know that when I am trying to memorize things for class, even now as a college student, I make up songs or acronyms to remember certain things. Or you could try clapping or tapping your foot to a beat and spell the letters with each tap or clap. Hope one of these helps!
Just give up.

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